June seventh fine

时间: 2004-06-07 / 分类: 生活 / 浏览次数: 3,987 views / 0个评论 发表评论

June seventh fine
Today noon I send one hundred to Yeyong, I feel I very tire, so I go to bed as soon as I come back at noon.
I found a very well song, it ‘s sing by Cai Yilin, I like it, so I hear it for several times. It ‘ name is lovelovelove.
On evening I meet uncle, and he ask me to give back the old house key, I answer he and give back to him.
And this night I install a old game, it is starcraft, and I play it for about four hour, when I finish it, I very regret, because I waste too much time, when I saw the word on desktop –when you were die, will you ask yourself, what did I do in this life, can I have any regret?
I should change my life in this small room, I swear.
I feel some lonely. especially on I have lunch. No one accompany me ,did I lonely this life ?
Every one live in the small room themselves ,did not communicate whit other, I feel I only the one who live in the interlayer ,I am not belong to there ,no one or no thing can keep back me to settle on here.
Every time I airing the cloth like a thief , I must be suffering from other ‘s disbelieve stare.


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